Horrible by Laura
On Monday I missed lunch missed and I missed the bus I also flew to the moon.
On Tuesday I tripped over the kerb and got tricked to fall in the dirt I got trapped in the bathroom.
On Wednesday I wet the bed I went all weird I went to a wet planet .
On Thursday I had to go to the toilet .I didn't do very well.
On Friday I flew to Florida.
On Satuarday I slipped into a huge puddle.
On Sunday I got sun burnt. By Laura.
On Tuesday I tripped over the kerb and got tricked to fall in the dirt I got trapped in the bathroom.
On Wednesday I wet the bed I went all weird I went to a wet planet .
On Thursday I had to go to the toilet .I didn't do very well.
On Friday I flew to Florida.
On Satuarday I slipped into a huge puddle.
On Sunday I got sun burnt. By Laura.